Marine and Insurance Services
These services are intended to provide all concerned parties with reliable evidences of the actual condition of vessel and/or cargo in marine and insurance business activities. Our various services are as follows :
Superficial Survey of Vessels
Vessel General Condition Survey
On-Hire & Off-Hire Survey
Protection and Indemnity Club (P&I) Survey
Cargo Loss and Damage Survey for Insurance Claims Purposes
Cargo Loss and Damage Survey for Insurance Claims Purposes
Vessel’s Hull and Machinery Survey for Insurance Claims Purposes
On-Hire and Off-Hire Survey of Dry Container, Reefer/Regfrigerated Container and Iso Tank Container
Container Condition Survey and Calculation of Repair Cost
Supervision of Container Repairing
Quantity and Quality Survey of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products
Quantity Survey of Vessel’s Bunker
Ship’s Appraisal or Valuation for Purchasing
Testing and Calculating Static Bollard Pull of Tug Boat
Cargo Gear Joint Testing
To find out more about Marine and Insurance Services please feel free to contact us.